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The List
Bucket lists, before I die lists, pre-wedding lists, pre-baby lists, goals lists. You get the idea. Lists work for me. They make me strive to work towards what I set out to achieve. They also make me prioritize and follow through. They organize my thoughts. Not everyone finds this useful. For some people the mere thought of writing down and recording thoughts is a huge burden. Here, I present my little list. Any things you would add? Let me know!
Play a game of paintball Road trip from North to South NZ Travel alone (and like it!) Go in a hot air balloon Go on an epic train journey (I am looking at you Russia) Visit Chernobyl.
Milk a cow Sleep in an Igloo Sleep under the stars Get my full driver licence Spend a month camping alone Do a Great Walk (solo) Publish a children’s book. Create an extensive family tree. Take a calligraphy class. Take a photography class Learn to drive. Learn to drive a manual (oops)
Learn to drive a motorcycle. Watch a Broadway musical in New York. (Re)learn how to play guitar and piano Create a website. Work on a pottery wheel. Join a choir. Go to TED talk (live). Attend a self-defence class Join a book club. (actually started one!) Attend an industry conference Learn how to navigate with an actual map Start a fire with no matches
Write someone a mirror lipstick note (my sister counts? x) Don’t kill anyone. (so far so good) Write thank you letters to dear friends and family.
Give to causes and people in need. Plan an amazing surprise party for someone. Take my family on a trip (that I pay for). Have a mom-daughter trip somewhere.
Read 30 books (recurring) Visit one new place I have never heard of Run 10 km in less than one hour Take Italian lessons Visit G in Queenstown
Get into Journalism Masters program Read 30 books (recurring) Visit one new place I have never heard of Run 10km in less than one hour
Take Italian lessons Visit Norway Visit Georgia Join a traditional Greek dances club